
Peer reviewed publications

2024. Top-Down Dominance or Bottom-Up Vigilance: The Role of Information Disclosure in Authoritarian Environmental Governance (Under review; co-authored with Jie-Sheng Tan-Soo and Shuai Chen).

2023. Water Decoupling Trends and Drivers in China 1999-2019. World Bank. (Under review; co-authored with Sonia Akter et al.)

2023. Last Mile in Anti-Poverty Drive: Impact of Cadres’ Appraisals on Growth and Poverty Reduction. World Develoment. (Co-authored with Lu Xi and Lee Chyen Yee)  

2021. Failed It or Nailed It: A Historical-Comparative Analysis of Legislating Bushmeat Ban in China. The Chinese Journal of Comparative Law. (Co-authored with Li Hui)

Working papers

2024. Policy Design Approaches for Solar Industrial Development: A Comparative Study of China and India

2024. Global Solar PV policy Diffusion: Investment and Policy Isomorphism 

2024. Policy Studies on EV Industry Development in Southeast Asia: A Systematic Literature Review

2024. From Laggard to Leader: What Drives Sovereign States to Take Climate Leadership? – An Analytical Framework

2024. Policy Learning on Climate-Facilitative Technologies in Southeast Asia – A Survey Approach

2023. Green Leader Greeting, Blue Sky Fleeting? High-Level Visits and Local Strategic Air Pollution Control  

Conference presentations

2024. Green Leader Greeting, Blue Sky Fleeting? High-Level Visits and Local Strategic Air Pollution Control (Best Paper Award). 2024 2th Singapore Rising Scholar Conference, Singapore 

2024. Drivers and Policy Design Approaches for Solar Industrial Development: A Comparative Study of China and India. 2024 9th Asia Pacific Public Policy Network Annual Conference, Guangzhou, China       

2023. Naming, Faming, and Shaming: Does Information Disclosure of Pollution Ranking impact local environmental performance, and how? 2023 Radboud Conference on Earth System Governance (online)

2023. Leader visits and China’s Air Pollution Control. 18th East Asian Economic Association International Conference, Seoul, South Korea

2023. Government-Initiated Information Disclosure on air pollution ranking and public involvement. 6th International Conference on Public Policy at Toronto Metropolitan University, Canada                                  

2022. Window dressing and political loyalty: Does political leaders’ inspection tour alleviate local air pollution? Advanced Graduate Workshop at Azim Premji University in Bangalore, India. 

2022. Beyond Economic Development: China’s local compliance under new development goals. IPPA Summer School and Workshop on Public Policy, Venezia-Padova, Italy.

2022. From laggard to leader: What drives sovereign states to take climate leadership? International Studies Association Annual Convention (online).

2021. Failed it or nailed it: A historical-comparative analysis of legislating bushmeat ban in China. 5th International Conference on Public Policy (online) and the Lien International Conference on Good Governance 2021, Singapore. 

2020. Poverty reduction and economic growth in China: Two ends of a seesaw. The East Asia Institute Seminar at the National University of Singapore, Singapore. 

2020. Does the antipoverty-oriented performance appraisal slow down GDP growth?: A quasi-experiment for Chinese counties. Workshop at Renmin Univeristy, China.    

2018. Perceiving and debating the socio-economic costs of reducing air pollution in China. Workshop at University of Sussex, UK.  

2017. The influence of Confucian traditional culture on democratic value – A Taiwan case. SIRPA Seminar at Fudan University, China. 

Reports, op-ed and others

2023. “Sponge city” Failures Show Holes in Current Climate Change Defence. Strait Times. (coauthored with Vinod Thomas)

2021. Green China: Towards cleaner and more sustainable growth. Development Research Center of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China (DRC) and the World Bank. (Collaborated with Sonia Akter et al.)

2019. The US Withdrawal from the Paris Agreement: Short-term Setback or Long-term Trouble? Internal reports to China's National Center for Climate Change Strategy and International Cooperation (NCSC). (Co-authored with Liu et al.)

2018. Early Warning System for Air Pollution in Chinese Cities: A View. All India Disaster Mitigation Institute. Issue No. 172.

2016. Fudan Survey of China’s Neighbouring Countries. (In Chinese, co-edited with Shi Yuan Hua et al.)

2016. Structure, Culture, and Institution: Factors Influencing Cross-Strait Democratic. Collaborative Innovation Center for peaceful development of cross-strait relations (CICCSR) Proceedings. (In Chinese)